Finally, finally! Barutah ada masa kan scrapping. Atu pun just because I should and its way overdue. I totally love this picture frame I bought from POTTERY BARN in NYC!! and I bought this in 2006....and only now in 2009 Ive filled it with pictures....and voila....!!!
It was his first swim splash. And where else to start but at Abang Ayden's crib? It was the perfect pool, and excellent company too! Ayden's nana Jackie is still in Brunei so she's kindly offered to teach Hamzah swimming. Yay!! I excitedly bought his swimming trunks from Mothercare last week, and chose an orange Tigger trunk that shows up his stripes when wet. How cool is that!
I think Hamzah knew he was gonna have an exciting afternoon so he only had a quick 30min nap, which was a tad annoying. Then he slept in the car and another 20mins or so in Jangsak. Ayden was impatiently scouting around the house in his blue trunks (cute!!) waiting for Hamzah to wake up. Finally, Ayden couldnt wait any longer and went into the pool with his Nana. Hamzah woke up in a daze and changed him and took him to sit on the pool steps. He sat quietly, maybe thinking this is a huge bathtub with other people in it! Soon, he started splashing around and kicking his legs in the water! He loved it!! Yay!!!
Woke up fresh from his afternoon nap....and went straight for his teether!
Soon after he rummaged through a pile of books on his cot (I know..I know its like a dump his cot is!) and decided on the Acute Medicine bible.....does that mean anything???
This is a picture of Hamzah i took last night while he was having his pre-tidur feed. Look at his left leg! Bent ala chillaxing style! Belabeh! (Sorry inda ku pandai merotate pix)
This on the other hand is one of the rare happy tummy-time moments!