I have a few more things to do tomorrow and I dont know if I can come to all/ do all. More importantly I have to complete my data collection for my audit I have promised the Boss before I go away. Then a few lunch invites that I cant possibly attend to all...I must be a Bionic woman to do otherwise; 1st is the Doa Selamat for the Medical Haj Team, 2nd: Zieda's leaving-do as she's leaving for her higher specialty training in Singapore on Monday, and 3rdly: Peaches' Zayyan's 1st birthday lunch do..... aaaaaaaaaa..... then off to the tailors to pick up what needs to before off to the parents for another long day on Sunday.
Sunday, inshaAllah, sees me going for the Haj Practical Session in the early morning. Pre-lunch to rush back to a cousin's wedding, and my Doa Selamat at teatime.... I feel tired already thinking about the day!
Few pictures from today.
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